Module No. Module Name. SS023 Rhino + Grasshopper Basics Limited Number for 10
Teaching Time P01
08 Aug-09 Sep 19 Sep-22 Oct 31 Oct-02 Dec Monday 13.30-17.30 hrs (start 15 Aug)
Credit Instructor(s) 1 Aj.Sukhumarn Thamwiset
Teaching & Learning Methods Lecture + Practice What is this module? This course aims to introduce students to the new development in architecture and design that derives from the development of tools and the cross disciplinary of different fields of science and the continuity of material and information. The expansion of computational tools opens more opportunity to explore architectural form as a dynamic life-like organism with possible feedback information for regeneration. The new possibility expands ways of perceiving architecture as a complex living organism and reinvestigating ways of designing to achieve complexity. The course will provide students basic understanding of the background of this development, the current use of the technology in architectural design and its application in real life and the projection into the future of where advanced architecture is heading.
Computation is a process following a well-defined model that is understood and can be expressed in an algorithm, protocol, network typology.
Computational Thinking is the thought processes involved in formulating problems and their solutions so that the solutions are represented in a form that can be effectively carried out by an information-processing agent.
What will you get? Khowledge on Computational logic thinking and basic scripting skills What do you learn?
WEEK 1 Scripting introduction, Scripting tools, command : Domain-range
WEEK 2 Scripting tools, command : Field operation, Attractor, Cull and Pattern
WEEK 3 Scripting tools, command : Surface/facade application 1
WEEK 4 Scripting tools, command : Kangaroo Plugin. Assignment 3D Printing
WEEK 5 Assignment 3D Printing
UPDATE: 09-Aug-2022